Kennel "Baby Chow"
Description of the breed Mini Chow Chow

At the moment, the breed Mini Chow Chow (Baby Chow) is not recognized in the FCI system (RKF).
A mini chow chow is no different from a regular chow chow. The only difference is in size and weight, which are almost half that of their standard ancestors. These funny dogs were obtained by crossing the Chow Chow and Spitz breeds. BUT! One of the Mini Chow breeders, Mr. Vetansal Tevosafi, said that a Mini Chow Chow should never be the size of a German or Pomeranian. Mini Chow Chows are medium-sized, but rather strongly built dogs, weighing from 8 and not exceeding 17 kg., with a height of 34 cm to 38 cm.
Any deviation from this description is considered undesirable for the Mini Chow breed.
Temperament: moderately mobile. A dog with self-confidence and self-esteem.
Personality: kind. But be careful with strangers. Do not enter into friendship with a person whom you see for the first or second time. They can show the qualities of a watchdog. Pronounced character traits of the mini chow-chow are loyalty and devotion to one owner, despite the fact that in a large family he respects and loves everyone. Knows how to independently make a decision in a difficult situation (how to get over a large puddle without getting his paws wet, or which side to jump over a hole from). In China, the Mini Chow Chow is called "Thinking Dog". Mini Chow Chows love outdoor games, they like training. The commands are easy enough to learn. Capable of long walks, sports. Mini Chow Chows are not opposed to living together with another dog or cat, but they take a neutral position in relationships. Described as a companion dog.
Head: Medium in size, with slight moisture on the forehead and cheeks. The skull is broad and flat, with developed brow ridges. the transition from the forehead to the muzzle (stop) is clearly defined, but not sharp. The muzzle is of medium length, broad from the base to the tip of the nose.
Too long, narrow or too short (Pekingese) muzzle, light, poorly developed chin are not desirable deviations for the Mini Chow Chow breed.
Eyes: medium size, oval in shape, dark in color. In cinnamon and blue dogs, eye color matching with color is allowed.
Large, round, protruding eyes are considered unacceptable for the Mini Chow breed.
Ears: Not large, set wide apart.
Hanging on the cartilage, too close or low set ears - this is unacceptable for the Mini Chow Chow breed.
Nose: Medium size, black. In blue and cinnamon colors, the nose matches the color. In cream dogs, lightening of the nose is allowed.
Pink nose, pink spots on the nose are not allowed for the Mini Chow Chow breed.
Lips: Close-fitting, black.
Language: Violet-blue. In blue, cinnamon and cream colors, the tongue and lips are always lighter, have light purple or lilac shades.
 Pink tongue, large pink spots on the tongue, pink lips are not considered acceptable for the Mini Chow breed.
Teeth: even, scissor bite. 
Overshot, undershot, underdeveloped jaws are considered an undesirable deviation for this breed.
Neck: Strong, slightly arched, which gives a proud appearance to the Mini Chow's bearing.
Necks that are too long or too short are not desirable for the breed.
Body: The back is straight, strong. The loin is strong. The chest is deep and rather broad. The ribs are well defined, but not barrel-shaped. 
Undesirable: long back. Stretched, domed, or too short loin. Barrel ribs.
Tail: Set high, close to the back, covered with longer and thicker hair.
A low-set tail is not desirable, and if the dog wears it down.
Forelegs: straight, bony, parallel. Shoulders are muscular and sloping. The pasterns are vertical, the toes are closely closed.
Too long or too short limbs leading to disproportion with the body are not allowed for the Mini Chow Chow breed. Weak or sloping pasterns, loose fingers.
Hindquarters: Muscular with retaining the folds of the galloping joints. The length of the thighs and lower legs is about the same. Hocks are sheer. The limbs are balanced with each other. The set of paws is wide enough. Paws are rounded, tightly closed.
X-shaped, barrel-shaped, saber-shaped limbs, with pronounced scalp-like joints, loose predictions for this breed.
Gait: temperamental, proud.
An amble, wobbly, unsteady gait is considered a deviation for the Mini Chow Chow breed.
Wool: 2 types. Longhair and shorthair.
Long-haired type: The coat is dense, abundant, straight, of pleasant texture. Guard hairs of different lengths. The undercoat is thick and soft. Around the neck, on the back of the thighs and on the tail, the hair forms a thick, adorning fringe. The presence or absence of a mane does not matter.
Short-haired type: The coat is shorter than that of long-haired dogs. the awn is also plentiful, dense, straight. The guard hairs are thick, plush, not tight. The undercoat is short and well developed.
Not considered acceptable for the breed: Curly or too soft (cotton), too short and smooth coat. Bald patches. Absence or poverty of undercoat. dull and thin coat.
Color Mini Chow Chow
Red and all shades of red from brick red to cream, as well as cinnamon, black, blue, (all shades of blue from dark to light blue are considered normal. In all colors, lighter coat in the chest, tail, back thighs and abdomen. Red Mini Chow Chow puppies, in childhood, have black masks on the muzzle, which turn to red with age.